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香港公開大學教科書 Textbook for the Open University of Hong Kong:
Course Code ISBN Book Title Author Publisher Course Name Available?
ACT B211 9789813155497 Fundamental Accounting Principles (International Financial Reporting Standards) (IFRS), 2nd edn, Asia Global Edition Wild, J J et al. (2016) McGraw-Hill Education Introduction to Accounting I
ACT B212 9789813155497 Fundamental Accounting Principles (International Financial Reporting Standards) (IFRS), 2nd edn, Asia Global Edition Wild, J J et al. (2016) McGraw-Hill Education Introduction to Accounting II
ACT B331 0273732358S Advanced Financial Reporting: A Complete Guide to IFRS Cotter, D (2012) Financial Times Prentice Hall Company Accounting I
ACT B414 9789882384095 Advanced Taxation in Hong Kong, 18th edn Lee, D (2016) Pearson Education Asia Limited Taxation I
ACT B416 9789888281466 Auditing and Assurance in Hong Kong, 5th edn Lau, P T Y and Lam, N C Y (2017) Hong Kong: Pilot Publishing Co., Ltd Auditing I
ACT B416 9780077143015 Auditing and Assurance Services, 3rd international edn Eilifsen, A, Messier, W F, Glover, S M and Prawitt, D F (2014) UK: McGraw-Hill Education Auditing I
ACT B861 9781133957911 Intermediate Accounting, 19th edn Stice, J D and Stice, E K (2014) South- Western/Cengage Learning Accounting for Corporations
ACT B867 9781292220086 Accounting Information Systems, 14th Global edn Romney, M B and Steinbart, P J (2018) Pearson Accounting Information Systems : A Managerial Perspective
BIOL S205 6500000000115 Biology: With Plus Mastering Biology Student Access Kit, 10th edn Campbell, N A and Reece, J (2015) San Francisco: Pearson Benjamin Cummings The Core of Life
BIOL S312 9781259080821 Vander’s Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function Widmaier, E, Raff, H and Strang, K (2013) McGraw-Hill Human Physiology for Health
BIOL S338 9789882113985 The Ecology and Biodiversity of Hong Kong, revised edn Dudgeon, D and Corlett, R (2011) 天地圖書有限公司 Ecology
BIOL S406 9780123850157 Biotechnology: Applying the Genetic Revolution, 2nd Edition Clark, D P and Pazdernik, N J (2015) Elsevier Academic Press Tools and Techniques for Biotechnology
BIS B322 9780273761341 Electronic Commerce 2012: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective, (Global Edition) 7th edn Turban, E, King, D, Lee, J, Liang, T and Turban, D (2012) Pearson Education Limited Networking Applications and Electronic Commerce
BIS B422 9780273761341 Electronic Commerce 2012: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective, (Global Edition) 7th edn Turban, E, King, D, Lee, J, Liang, T and Turban, D (2012) Pearson Education Limited Advanced Electronic Commerce
BIS B870 9781292211688 E-Commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society, 13th edn Laudon, K C and Traver, C G (2018) Pearson Education Limited Electronic Commerce for Managers
BUS B103 9789882241985 Effective Business Communication in English, 3rd edn Li, K C (2012) Singapore: Pearson Education English and Communications for Business I
BUS B171 9789814806015 Statistics for Management and Economics, 11th edn Keller, G (2018) South-Western Cengage Learning Business Statistics
BUS B171C 9789579282123 《統計學》(第十一版) Keller著,顏慧、丁淑方譯(2018) 滄海書局 商業統計學
BUS B191C 9789620703034 《商業溝通與應用文大全》(附CD-ROM) 李錦昌(2012) 香港:商務印書館 商業關係與溝通(一)
BUS B368 9780198755968 Business Ethics, 4th edn Crane, A and Matten, D (2016) Oxford University Press Business Issues and Ethics
BUS B950C 9789865632540 《社會科學研究方法》(14E) Earl Babbie著,林秀雲譯 (2016) 新加坡商聖智學習亞洲私人有限公司台灣分公司 商業研究
CHIN A172C 9787544435789 《現代漢語》(重訂本) (第7版) 胡裕樹(2010) 上海:上海教育出版社 語文通論
CHIN A213C 9627707198 *《香港史研究論著選輯》 程美寶、趙雨樂合編(1999) 香港:香港公開大學出版社 香港歷史(1842—1997)
CHIN A273C 9789867908476 《唐宋詩舉要》 高步瀛(2004) 台北:里仁書局 詩詞選
CHIN A360C 9789888148776 《傳媒中文寫作》(全新修訂本) 賴蘭香(2012) 香港:中華書局 新聞、編輯及廣告
CHIN A360C 9789571406176 《新聞編輯學》 徐昶(1992) 台灣:三民書局 新聞、編輯及廣告
CHIN A383C 9622013538 《近代中國史綱》(上﹑下)(第三版) 郭廷以(1986) 香港:中文大學出版社 中國近代史(1840—1949)
CHIN A383C 9574831140 《中國現代史》(增訂九版) 張玉法(2001) 台北:東華書局 中國近代史(1840—1949)
CHIN E811C 7309046501 《古代漢語教程》(第三版) 張世祿主編(2009) 上海:復旦大學出版社 中文學科研究
CHIN E811C 7310019156 《中國古代文學發展史》,上、中、下冊 羅宗強、陳洪主編(2006) 天津:南開大學出版社 中文學科研究
CHIN E811C 9787040289084 《中國文化史概要》(增訂二版) 譚家健主編(2010) 北京:高等教育出版社 中文學科研究
CHIN E832C 9787309088199 《現代漢語修辭學》(修訂本) 吳禮權(2013) 上海:復旦大學出版社 現代漢語研究:修辭學
CHIN E834C 9787301143025 《漢語語法專題研究》 邵敬敏等(2009) 北京:北京大學出版社 現代漢語研究:句法學與詞彙學
CHST A304C 9570822732 《中國共產革命七十年》(上﹑下)(修訂版)) 陳永發(2001) 台北:聯經出版事業公司 中國當代史
CHST A304C 7208032297  *《中華人民共和國簡史》 龐松、陳述(1999) 上海:上海人民出版社 中國當代史
COMP S258 9781292110974 C — How to Program, 8th edn Deitel, H M and Deitel, P J (2015) Prentice Hall Computer Programming and Problem Solving
COMP S260 1118322630S The Architecture of Computer Hardware, Systems Software and Networking: An Information Technology Approach, 5th edn Englander, I (2014) New York: John Wiley and Sons Computer Architecture and Operating Systems
COMP S311 9781292221878 Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, 11th edn Liang, Y D (2019) NJ: Prentice Hall Java Application Development and Programming Languages
COMP S356 9781292024011 Object-oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java, 3rd edn Bruegge, B and Dutoit, A H (2013) Prentice Hall Software Engineering and Project Management
COMP S411 9781449316648 Programming Android, 2nd edn Mednieks, Z, Dornin, L, Meike, G B and Nakamura, M (2012) Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital Multimedia and Mobile Game Development
COMP S888 9783319052892 Fundamentals of Multimedia, 2nd edn Li, Z N, Drew, M S and Liu, J (2014) Springer Multimedia Technology
ECON A202C 9789571350035 《解讀中國經濟》 林毅夫(2009) 台北:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司 當代中國經濟發展
ECON A202C 9789881961297 《當代中國經濟改革教程》 吳敬璉(2012) 香港:世紀出版有限公司 當代中國經濟發展
ECON A232 9789814410120 Principles of Economics: An Asian Edition, 2nd edn Mankiw, N G, Quah, E and Wilson, P (2013) Cengage Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON A312 1319154034S Macroeconomics, 9th edn Mankiw, N G (2015) New York: Worth Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON A313 9780071276078 Essentials of Econometrics, 4th edn Gujarati, D, Portor, D (2010) McGraw-Hill. Introductory Econometrics
EDU E160C 9571119903 《兒童發展心理學》 劉金花編(2013) 台北:五南圖書出版公司 兒童研究
EDU E220C 9789571457703 《教育社會學》(增訂四版) 陳奎熹(2013) 台北:三民書局股份有限公司 教育與社會
EDU E261C 9789861917313 《幼兒教育課程模式》(第四版) 簡楚瑛(2016) 台北:心理出版社 幼兒教育課程規劃
EDU E278C 9789867464606 《幼兒數學、科學與科技》 Arleen Pratt Prairie 著,張漢宜、張玲芬、陳彥文、黃湃翔、黃楸萍、吳亮慧合譯(2010) 台北:華騰文化股份有限公司 幼兒教育:早期數學、科學與科技
EDU E281C 2222003092365 《兒童學習綱領與兒童發展評估表》(修訂版) 協康會(2012) 香港:協康會 早期評估與介入
EDU E282C 9789861913834 《中文閱讀障礙》 柯華葳主編(2010) 台北:心理出版社 教導有讀寫障礙傾向的學前幼兒
EDU E332 9780195522266 Language and Learning: An Introduction for Teaching, 6th edn Emmitt, M, Zbaracki, M, Komesaroff, L and Pollock, J (2015) Melbourne: Oxford University Press Primary School Teaching: English
EDU E333C 9789627707493 *《小學數學教育—智性學習》(修訂版) Skemp, R R 著,許國輝譯(2006) 香港:香港公開大學出版社 小學教學:數學
EDU E333C 9571106216 *《國小數學教材教法新論》 張平東(1993) 台北:五南圖書出版公司 小學教學:數學
EDU E333C 9620720539 *《現代數學》,上、下冊 鄭肇楨(1985) 香港:商務印書館 小學教學:數學
EDU E334C 9789577028198 《國小階段自然與生活科技教材教法》 王美芬、熊召弟(2005) 台北:心理出版社 小學教學:常識
EDU E334C 9577021972 《健康生活—健康教學的內涵》 鄭雪霏等編著(1996) 台北:心理出版社 小學教學:常識
EDU E339C 《普通話科課程綱要(小一至小六)》 香港課程發展議會編(1997) 香港:香港政府印務局 小學教學:普通話
EDU E363 9789627707455 *Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers Nunan, D (1998) Pearson Educational Limited Teaching English in Secondary Schools
EDU E372C 9789867138620 《幼兒特殊教育》 Gargiulo, R & Kilgo, J 著 吳百祿、王財印、林子雯、劉斐文譯 (2006) 台北:新加坡商湯姆生 幼兒融合教育
EDU E813C 9789627707417 *《群性發展》 魯道夫• 謝弗(2004) 香港:香港公開大學出版社 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展
EDU E813C 9627707430 *《在指導下的知識建構》 尼爾• 默瑟(2004) 香港:香港公開大學出版社 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展
EDU E854C 9789574833580 《教育心理學》(重修二版) 張春興(2007) 台北:台灣東華書局 學習者、學習與學校課程
EDU E872C 9789620764011 《輔導與心理治療》(修訂版) 林孟平(2008) 香港:商務印書館 教學專業課題研究
ELEC S211 9781292025476 Modern Electronic Communication, 9th edn Beasley, J S and Miller, G M (2014) Pearson Fundamentals of Communications Technology
ELEC S212 9781133608257 Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th edn Dean, T (2013) Boston, MA: Course Technology, Cengage Learning Network Programming and Design
ELEC S311 013099572X Wireless Communications, 2nd edn Rappaport, T S (2002) 台北:新加坡商湯姆生 Wireless Communications
ELEC S334 9781292113869 Digital Signal Processing First, Global Edition, 2nd edn McClellan, J H (2017) Pearson Signal Processing and Multimedia Technology
ENGL A200 0194371727 Explaining English Grammar Yule, G (1998) Oxford: Oxford University Press Analysing English Grammar
ENGL A231 0385474547 Things Fall Apart Achebe, C (1994) New York: Anchor Books English Literature in the Modern World
ENGL A231 9780312054366 Generation X Coupland, D (1991) New York: St Martin’s Press English Literature in the Modern World
ENGL A231 9780143038092 The Joy Luck Club Tan, A (1989) New York: G P Putnam’s Sons English Literature in the Modern World
ENGL E320 0582237262 Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English Biber, D, Conrad, S and Leech, G (2002) Harlow, UK: Pearson Educational Limited English Grammar in Context
ENGL E320 0582539420 Optional: Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written Workbook Biber, D Conrad, S and Leech, G (2002) Pearson Educational Limited English Grammar in Context
ENGL E810 9780521717403 English Phonetics and Phonology, 4th edn Roach, P (2009) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press English Studies for Language Teaching
ENGL E810 9780826490186 Words, Meaning and Vocabulary: An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology, 2nd edn Jackson, H and Ze Amvela, E (2007) London and New York: Continuum English Studies for Language Teaching
ENGL E810 9780521757119 Understanding English Grammar Payne, T E (2011) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press English Studies for Language Teaching
ENGL E810 9781441167620 Discourse Analysis, 2nd edn Paltridge, B (2012) London and New York: Bloomsbury English Studies for Language Teaching
ENGL E810 9781138845015 Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 5th edn Holmes, J (2017) London: Routledge English Studies for Language Teaching
ENGL E810 9781444163100 Second Language Learning Theories, 3rd edn Mitchell, R and Myles, F (2013) Oxford: Routledge English Studies for Language Teaching
ENGL E810 0748612599 Teaching Literature in a Second Language Parkinson, B and Reid, H (2000) Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press English Studies for Language Teaching
FIN B280 9789814595049 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2nd ed., Asia Global Edition Ross, S A, Westerfield, R W, Jordan, B D, Lim, J and Tan, R (2016) McGraw-Hill/Irwin Introduction to Financial Management
FIN B381 9780071326421 Bank Management and Financial Services, 9th edn Rose, P S and Hudgins, S C (2013) New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill Commercial Banking
FIN B386 9789814595049 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2nd edn, Asia Global edn Ross, S A, Westerfield, R W, Jordan, B D, Lim, J and Tan, R (2016) McGraw-Hill Education Financial Decision Making
FIN B389 9781292021775 Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th edn Fabozzi, F J, Modigliani, F and Jones, F J (2013) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Financial Markets
FIN B862 9789813155466 Corporate Finance, Asia Global edn Ross, S A, Westerfield, R W, Jaffe, J F, Lim, J, Tan, R and Wong, H (2015) McGraw-Hill Education (Asia) Treasury and Financial Management
IT S123 9781111529291 New Perspectives on the Internet: Comprehensive, 9th edn Schneider, P and Evans, J (2013) Course Technology, Cengage Learning Introduction to Internet Services and Applications
LANG A330 9780340971604 Doing Pragmatics, 3rd edn Grundy, P (2008) London: Edward Arnold Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
LANG A330 0582028868 Realms of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantics Hofmann, Th R (1993) London and New York: Longman Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
LANG A330 0226468011 Metaphors We Live By Lakoff, G and Johnson, M (2003) Chicago: Chicago University Press Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
LANG A330 0582291518 Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics Thomas, J (1995) Harlow, Essex: Routledge Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
LANG A331 9780198731924 Language in Society, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 2nd edn Romaine, S (2000) Oxford University Press Language and Society in Hong Kong
LANG A331 9789627707578 *Language and Society in Hong Kong Kingsley Bolton and Han Yang (2008) Open University of Hong Kong Press Language and Society in Hong Kong
LANG A332 9780415725569 An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method, 4th edn Gee, J P (2014) London & New York: Routledge Stylistics and Discourse Analysis
LANG A332 9780415113816 Stylistics: A Practical Coursebook Wright, L and Hope, J (1996) London & New York: Routledge Stylistics and Discourse Analysis
MGT B240 9781292215839 Management, 14th edn Robbins, S P and Coulter, M (2018) Pearson Principles and Practices of Management
MGT B342C 9789861573960 《員工訓練與能力發展》(修定二版) Raymond A. Noe. 著,簡貞玉譯 (2010) 台灣:五南圖書 培訓及發展
MGT B345 9780273765608 Organization Theory Design and Change, 7th edn Jones, R J (2013) U.K.: Pearson Education Ltd Managing in Organizations
MGT B399 9781292060088 Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases, 5th edn, Global edn Barney, J B and Hesterly, W S (2015) Pearson Management Policy and Strategy
MGT B442 147396766XS Human Resource Management: Strategic and International Perspectives, 2nd edn Crawshaw, J et al. (2017) UK: Sage Publications Ltd Strategic Human Resource Management Issues
MGT B820 9789814834339 Strategic Management: Theory & Cases: An Integrated Approach, 12th edn (AE E/d) Charles, W L, Hill, Melissa, A, Schilling and Gareth, R, Jones (2017) Cengage Learning Strategy
MGT B831C 9787300171234 《現代戰略分析》(第七版) 羅伯特• M • 格蘭特(2016) 北京:中國人民大學出版社 策略管理
MKT B250 9781292089669 Principles of Marketing -- An Asian Perspective, 4th edn Kotler, P, Armstrong, G, Ang, S W, Tan, C T, Yau, H M and Leong, S M (2017) Prentice Hall Introduction to Marketing
MKT B250C 9789862803516 《行銷管理》 Armstrong and Kotler 著,廖淑伶、馬友薏 編譯 (2016) 台北:培生/普林斯頓 市場學導論
MKT B363 9781292153100 Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, 12th edn Solomon, M R (2017) Pearson Consumer Behaviour
MKT B363C 9789866121524 《消費者行為》 Blackwell, R D, Miniard, P W, Engel, J F, Pai, D C, Norjaya, M Y and Wan Juoria, H著,白滌清編譯(2012) 台北:華泰文化事業 消費者行為
MKT B390 9781259011818 International Business: Asia Global Edition, 2nd edn Hill, C W L, Wee, C H, Udayasankar, K (2016) McGraw-Hill International Business Management
MKT B390C 9789863411802 《國際企業》(第十版) Charles W L Hill 著 許嘉文 編譯(2015) 台北:美國麥格羅.希爾國際股份有限公司台灣分公司 國際商業管理學
MKT B461 1118830288S International Marketing, 6th edn Kotabe, M and Helsen, K (2015) John Wiley & Sons Singapore Pte. Ltd International Marketing
MKT B470 9781292083797 Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 5th edn Christopher, M (2016) Pearson Supply Chain Management
NURS N112C 9789861943619 《內外科護理學》(5版)(上冊) 李和惠等(2015) 台北:華杏出版股份有限公司 兒童及成人護理學(一)
NURS N112C 9789861943626 《內外科護理學》(5版)(下冊) 李和惠等(2015) 台北:華杏出版股份有限公司 兒童及成人護理學(一)
NURS N114C 9789866120701 《最新精神科護理》(九版) 黃宣宜等著(2015) 台北:永大書局有限公司 治療性精神護理學(一)
NURS N212C 9789861943619 《內外科護理學》(5版)(上冊) 李和惠等(2015) 台北:華杏出版股份有限公司 兒童及成人護理學(二)
NURS N212C 9789861943626 《內外科護理學》(5版)(下冊) 李和惠等(2015) 台北:華杏出版股份有限公司 兒童及成人護理學(二)
NURS N214C 9789866120701 《最新精神科護理》(九版) 黃宣宜等著(2015) 台北:永大書局 治療性精神護理學 II
NURS N305 9780133876406 Health and Physical Assessment in Nursing, (3rd ed.) D'Amico, D and Barbarito, C (2015) Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall Health Assessment and Primary Health Care
POLS A201C 9787300190600 《政治科學》(第十二版) 邁克爾•G•羅斯金等著,林震等譯(2014) 北京:中國人民大學出版社 政治學導論
POLS A201C 9622017606 《政治學新論》 鄭宇碩、羅金義 編 (1997) 香港:香港中文大學出版社 政治學導論
PSYC A212 9781292128856 Statistics Without Maths for Psychology, Using SPSS for Windows, 7th edn Dancey, C P and Reidy, J (2017) Harlow: Prentice Hall Exploring Psychology
PSYC A215C 9576369266 《發展心理學》 林崇德(1998) 台灣:東華書局 發展心理學
PSYC A215C 9789865632823 發展心理學(上):兒童發展 Robert V Kail, John C Cavanaugh 著,游婷雅,郭俊顯譯(2016) 洪葉文化事業有限公司 發展心理學
PSYC A215C 9789865632519 發展心理學(下):青少年到晚年時期的發展 Robert V Kail, John C Cavanaugh 著,游婷雅,郭俊顯譯(2016) 洪葉文化事業有限公司 發展心理學
PSYC A317C 9787115410047 《社會心理學》(第11 版) 戴維.邁爾斯著,侯玉波等譯(2017) 北京人民郵電出版社 社會心理學
PTH A200C 9627281921 《普通話與廣州話常用句型對譯》(修訂本) 梁雅玲(1996) 香港:香港文化教育出版社有限公司 普通話 II
PTH E150C 9789620433627 《普通話正音教程》(修訂版)(連MP3 發音示範光碟) 張本楠、楊若薇(2014) 香港:三聯書店 基礎普通話
PUAD A203 9780195428025 Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems, 3rd edn Howlett, M, Ramesh, M and Perl, A (2009) Toronto: Oxford University Press Introduction to Public Policy
PUAD A301 9629960117 Public Sector Reform in Hong Kong: Into the 21st Century, 2nd edn Cheung, A B L and Lee, J C Y (eds) (2001) Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press Public Sector Management in Hong Kong
SCI S122 0393967190 Biology: An Exploration of Life McFadden, C and Keeton, W (1995) New York: WW Norton & Co. A Foundation Course in Biology and Earth Science
SOSC A112C 9787115268167 《微觀經濟學》(第十九版) Samuelson, P A & Nordhaus, W D 原著,蕭琛主譯(2012) 北京:人民郵電出版社 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學
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SOSC A112C 9622017606 《政治學新論》 鄭宇碩、羅金義(1997) 香港:香港中文大學出版社 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學
SOSC A313C 9789574838127 《社會及行為科學研究法:總編與量化研究法》 瞿海源、畢恒達、劉長萱、楊國樞等編(2015) 台北:東華書局 社會研究原理
SOSC A313C 9789574838134 《社會及行為科學研究法:質性研究法》 瞿海源、畢恒達、劉長萱、楊國樞等編(2015) 台北:東華書局 社會研究原理
SOSC A313C 9789866624162 《心理與教育統計學》,(第三版) Aron, A and Aron, E N 著,黃瓊蓉編譯(2009) 台北:學富文化事業有限公司 社會研究原理
TRAN A251C 9787118074246 《翻譯新概念:英漢互譯實用教程》(第六版) 宋天錫編(2011) 北京:國防工業出版社 翻譯導論
TRAN A335 9622310052 辭海(合訂本) 舒新城 中華書局(香港)有限公司 Culture and Translation
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